“Hawaiians Unite is a moving, short film made for MTV Entertainment Studios’ AAPI Heritage Month. It was created and directed by native Hawaiian filmmaker Nicole Naone. The idea derived from 18th century Hawaiian history, a time of warring chiefdoms between the islands. During this time, it’s believed that the prophet Kapihe uttered the following divination:
E iho ana ʻo luna (that which is above will come down)
E piʻi ana ʻo lalo (that which is below will rise up)
E hui ana nā moku (the islands shall unite)
E kū ana ka paia (the walls shall stand firm)
Shortly after, on the eve of Halleyʻs comet, Kamehameha The Great was born. He would go on to unite all the islands into one nation– Hawaiʻi. This Hawaiian Kingdom went on to be a thriving internationally recognized country until itʻs illegal overthrow and subsequent illegal American statehood in the 1950s. The filmmakers wanted to reenact this chant and honor its legacy as they strongly believe it is as relevant today as it was then. Often heard at Hawaiian protests, the prophecy acknowledges that despite their illegal overthrow and annexation, Hawaiians still exist and are one people. The chant now acts as a call to action for all Hawaiians - no matter where they are in the world - to unite.”
Starr Kalahiki
Alohilani Keohuloa
Billy, Cody and Dylan Puhi
Cameron Grimm
Chase Kealiʻipaʻakaua
Ciera Kaʻihilani
Ihupani Lasconia
Davis Hoku Price
Gina "Nani" Peterson
Hinaleimoana Wong Kalu
Taylour Chang
Von Mahelona
ʻAlohilani Hooikaikaonalani Medieros
Kaina, Kahiau, Mahiliau and Kukona Mākua
Kauila Kanakaole
Kauwila Mahi
Kelii Makua
Kimeona Kāne
Lanakila Mangauil
Makaio Villenueva
Mana Cácera
Noah Haʻalilio Solomon
Paige Kaʻohua
Taylor Kondo
The film was posted on all our brand social and series channels and received 8.04K engagements, 35.36K views, and 189.73K impressions within itʻs first 24 hours on our platforms.
Additionally, the spot aired 71 times across all nine of MTV Entertainment Studios’ linear channels – MTV, VH1, Logo, Comedy Central, CMT, Smithsonian Channel, Paramount Network, Pop TV, & TV Land. All in all, in 2022, our “HEAR ME / KNOW ME / SEE ME” spots received maximum exposure on our social platforms and aired 6,283 times on our linear networks, making our investment in diverse communities and creators equivalent to more than $8 million dollars in ad revenue.
Nicole Naone
Director, "Hawaiians, Unite"
Amy Campbell
Chief Marketing Officer at MTV Entertainment Studios & Paramount Media Networks
Deva Newman
SVP, Brand Creative Editorial at MTV Entertainment Studios & Paramount Media Networks
Thomas Berger
SVP, Brand Creative Design at MTV Entertainment Studios & Paramount Media Networks
Joyeux Noel
VP/Executive Producer, Brand Creative at MTV Entertainment Studios & Paramount Media Networks
Timothy Livezey
VP Motion Design at MTV Entertainment Studios & Paramount Media Networks
Christopher Williams
Executive Creative Director at MTV Entertainment Studios & Paramount Media Networks
Rosa White
Creative Director at MTV Entertainment Studios & Paramount Media Networks
Sundi Lofty
Creative Director at MTV Entertainment Studios & Paramount Media Networks
Suzana Ognjanovic
Producer at MTV Entertainment Studios & Paramount Media Networks
Kelly McCrossin
Coordinating Producer at MTV Entertainment Studios & Paramount Media Networks
Kate Lee
Animator at MTV Entertainment Studios & Paramount Media Networks
Austin Friend
Audio Engineer at MTV Entertainment Studios & Paramount Media Networks
Carli Malec
Graphic Designer at MTV Entertainment Studios & Paramount Media Networks
Pamela Brill
VP/Executive Producer, Brand Creative at MTV Entertainment Studios & Paramount Media Networks